Classiera WordPress theme

Ad details

  • Ad number: 16319

  • added in: 11/11/2023

  • the condition: new

  • Location: Kingdom Saudi Arabia

  • Views: 253

Classiera WordPress theme

the description

The glow of the party to coordinate and organize holiday celebrations and private and public events
Outdoor floor seating
Modern floor sessions
Ground sessions
How much do European tents cost?
Party Glow is a leading Saudi company in the field of organizing and renting event supplies
Public and private celebrations
submit to you

European tents ,Popular tents , Modern tents, Modern tents, Transparent tents
Popular sessions, Modern sessions, Markaz sessions, Wood sessions, vip sessions
Wool chairs, leather chairs, Usually chairs, meeting chairs, Luxury chairs
Food tables, Rectangular tables , Circular tables, Meeting tables, Cocktail tables

European tents of different sizes with refrigeration and interior equipment
Popular tents and white leather sofas
Providing and preparing Arab hospitality
At the party glow company
We provide integrated solutions in the field of organizing parties and events
We always strive for excellence in performance and speed of implementation

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To contact us on the following numbers:


To view more photos, please visit our website at the following link:



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